How to Eat

Don't eat garbage — Everything else is cool. 

Nourishment is the foundation to nutritional Betterment And eating mindfully is the foundation to nourishment. 

When your bodies’ cells are clean, hydrated, and nourished by the food you eat, the body can repair and rebuild itself and feel WELL. The food choices we make have the greatest impact on our wellbeing and health more than any other choice we get to make. Having a mindful approach to what we are eating is how we cultivate the habit of nourishment. Giving a shit about what we eat. It matters. 

Mindful Eating: caring about how the food you put in your body impacts your wellbeing. 

Good Nutrition: energy regulation… More energy is better. 

Our food choices can nourish our bodies to increase our health and help create a better mind body connection…

Or Our food choices can create havoc on our bodies and increase our chances for disease, including excessive fat storage, and decreasing our body’s ability to regulate and heal itself. 

Being mindful: means that you have a choice. You are taking responsibility for your health by exercising your free will to make a mindful choice to fuel your body so it can perform at it’s best. 

Clean Eating

Clean Eating is a diet and a diet is the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. 

Clean Eating is a diet about habits, habits made one choice at a time. 

We need to adopt a diet that nourishes us because we live in a society of overabundance of processed food choices that offer no nourishment to our bodies. To be overfed and undernourished, we nurture disease instead of health. 

Nourished bodies thrive and can heal themselves. Undernourished bodies cannot, they get worn down and diseased far to early and struggle to recuperate after a stress. 

Nutrition is one way to build a more resilient self.

A clean diet prioritizes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, lean proteins, eggs, and fish as the foundation for nourishment.


The Recipe for Wellness

Eat for Nourishment — Move Everyday — Be Grateful  

What’s it mean to not eat garbage?

You get to choose. How you want to feel. It's up to you. 

Garbage — "an unwanted or undesired material or substance discarded by residents"

  • Fast food is garbage.

  • Highly-processed foods are garbage.

I shouldn't have to tell you why. Your body has to figure out how to "discard" it. It ruins your health. And ruins your energy. If you want to feel better, look better, be better:  stop eating garbage. 

So, What do I eat?

Keep it simple.


  • Vegetables all the colors

  • Fruits all the colors

  • Starchy Carbs/Whole Grains oats, quinoa, bulger, farro, other grains in their whole food state


  • Wild caught seafood, grass fed beef, organic poultry, pork, eggs

    • Choose fresh meats first, then organic if you can.


  • Raw unsalted nuts, seeds, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, etc


  • Water and lot's of it.

How do I eat food?

Meal Composition

Putting your meals together should be simple and balanced. 

Every meal, pick: 1 protein. 1-2 Complex carbohydrates. 1 fat.
Amount: Use your hand to measure

Women: 1 palm size protein, 1-2 hand sized veggies, 1 cupped hand of starchy carbs/whole grains, and 1 thumb fat
Men: 2 palms size protein, 2-3 hand sized veggies, 2 cupped hands of starchy carbs/whole grains, and 2 thumbs fat

Keep it Simple. Use your hand. Portion Control is Vital. 

This creates balance. It's necessary to create balance in our meals to satisfy our nutritional needs, balance our hormones, giving us lasting energy that increases our stamina for life. Balancing our meals also helps regulate our appetite by regulating our blood sugar, which is super important to drastically reduce the probability of energy crashes and unwanted binges because you let yourself get Hangry... then you get all mad at yourself... then you start talking nasty... and no-one wants that. 

If you are eating all whole foods, no processed foods, and limit treats your health and wellness will improve. You're energy will skyrocket. You will be causing less stress to your body because it's so easy for your body to digest and utilize whole foods. This will release more energy for you so you can feel better and do more. Hells yeah!
